Sunday, October 24, 2010

"You Betcha" Ko-shigaraki type clay. (Crushed Custer Feldspar Inclusions)

First Two Fired in NCC "Single Chamber" Climbing Kiln.

Next Two, Anagama Fired in New London, MN

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Kumagama - 熊窯陶芸 said...

Are you mixing your own shigaraki style clay? I'm sure your reluctant to share information but if you would be willing to share some insight into feldspars and grain sizes I would trade a small sculpture for that information or a recipe. I have been looking to use local materials to formulate a mugasa type clay and a shigaraki style clay body.

Togeika said...

I use Continental Clay Woodfire Porcelain and add either Neph Sye stones or Custer feldspar rocks that I crush.