More Info: Artist's Statement, Recent Work

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy New Year 2010!

Jean and Lee


  1. Dear Mr. Love:

    My name is Jenni Sorkin and I am a PhD candidate in art history completing a dissertation on post-war American pottery and women. I saw on a previous blog post a comment you had written about Jane Heald, a potter whose name I have come across, but cannot find any information on. Would you be interested and/or willing to speak with me about her? She was in attendance at a long-ago seminar at Chouinard in 1952 that Hamada and Leach gave, and I am writing about this early moment.

    Please feel free to email me:

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Best wishes,


  2. Hello, I am a potter who plans to go to mashiko in 2011 as part of a three month sbatical. I would like to stay with a potter family for a month as a paying guest. I am 46, healthy, an episcopal minister. would you be willing to recommend a family with whom I might be in correspondence about such a home stay?
