More Info: Artist's Statement, Recent Work

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Raymond Avenue Gallery Show

Tamba Ash and Briscoe Ash Glaze Tsubo
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1 comment:

  1. Hello Lee,
    Not sure if it is best to respond on your sight or mine, so I figured I should try yours first. It is funny, I mainly started the blog to keep my family and my children's school friends informed. It never crossed my mind that others would stumble on to it. We really enjoyed Mashiko. Unfortunately due to the timing we went, many things were closed. We definitely plan to go back. One of my family members does clay sculpting and plans to visit us in Japan. We will take him back to show him around. Even before that we will go back in the spring. I think more will be open then. My email address is I would be interested to chat more if you would like to email me. I looked at your work on the blog. It looks incredible.
